What to be for All Hallows’ Eve?

Just three weeks away and coming up fast! Halloween has always been one of my favorite reasons to celebrate for as long as I can remember. Our family loves it so much we call it a holiday! Not only is it a great excuse to get out the creepy decorations and throw a party but let’s not even talk about all the candy! Whether you like trick-or-treating with your little ones or parading around in a ghoulish ensemble, there is just something magical (and bone-chilling!) about this, our nations spookiest celebration.

These days it’s common place for children to dress up for Halloween, and half the fun is deciding which costume to wear! But as we expose our children to television programs and movies, some of which may be bloody or violent, there is a line that we, as parents, have to make sure is not crossed when it comes to that outfit our little one has his eye on!

I have been volunteering at my daughters school for years, and have seen some very unique and fantastic costumes (my favorites being a solar system and the cat-people from Avatar). But I have also come across some simply inappropriate outfits that were not suitable for a child to wear, much less expose other children to in a learning environment. Some schools now have stipulations regarding their students Halloween attire, sending notices home informing parents what is and is not acceptable at their facility. I have a very sensitive and imaginative five year-old that attends kindergarten in a school with students that are older than her. I know that if she were to walk into class and experience a gruesome and frightening costume she would be terrified! Especially if the child was older and bigger then her.

This is why I agree with the concept of keeping the gore and bloodiness out of this halloweens school-appropriate attire. Of course it is a different concept to allow your child to dress up for trick-or-treating in their neighborhood, but let’s try to keep in mind the impressionable minds of our littlest Halloween-goers!


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